History of Subase Pearl Harbor Det 716

The Subase Pearl Det 716 unit was formed in early May of 1977 with at that time, CDR Alan A. Anderson selected as the commanding officer, LT Edward A. Kimball as the executive officer and LT David L. Francis as the training officer.

PNC Darwin A. Fosse was assigned the task of screening the numerous applicants for the unit. 

After numerous interviews only a few were selected to become plank owners of the new unit as the selection requirements were set high.

CDR Anderson expected his crew to attend all drill weekends.  As he put it, “If you can’t handle this, you don’t belong in the unit”.

With the completion of the selection of the candidates Subase Pearl Harbor Det 716 had its first drill weekend on 30 April and 01 May 0f 1977 with 28 members of the unit attending.

In March of 1978 Det 716 did its first ACDUTRA to support the shops at the U S Naval Submarine Base in Pearl Harbor with about twenty-five members of the unit attending.

Shortly after the unit was formed new billets became available and the unit grew to approximately 100 members by 1980.

Around 1995 the unit was renamed NAVIMFAC Pearl Harbor Det 716 as Subase Pearl Harbor joined with the Naval Station Pearl Harbor to form a consolidated repair facility.

Other than the name change, few other changes took place.  We still worked in the same shops as before while there on ACDUTRA.

The unit was disbanded shortly before the turn of the century and the members remaining at that time were scattered amongst the other units at the Reserve Center at Ft. Snelling in Minneapolis/St. Paul.